Trivapro Agronomy Fungicide
Syngenta Trivapro Fungicide offers the strongest and most durable solution for corn and wheat diseases, providing both prevention and treatment for rusts, leaf spots and blights. Whether used as part of a comprehensive fungicide program or on its own, Trivapro promotes healthier and more productive plants, increasing yield potential even under minimal disease pressure.
Product Benefits:
- Prevent and treat key foliar corn and wheat diseases
- Longer-lasting for optimal protection from application to harvest
- Powered by three workhorse active ingredients, including SOLATENOL technology
- Excellent plant-health benefits for greener, stronger, healthier crops
- Improved efficiency maximizes water use under dry conditions
- Quicker canopy closure deprives weeds of sunlight
- Green leaf preservation enables plants to better recognize full yield potential by maximizing photosynthesis
Active Ingredients:
- Propiconazole is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide in FRAC Group 3, belonging to the triazole class of fungicides
- Azoxystrobin - a broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide in FRAC Group 11 used for both preventive and curative control of a wide range of fungal diseases.
- Benzovindiflupyr
Resistance Management:
- Group 11, 3, 7 Fungicide
Tar spot, a relatively new corn disease in the U.S., can significantly impact yield, easily causing yield losses of 30 to 40 bu/acre. A long-lasting preventive fungicide like Trivapro is necessary to help reduce yield loss. In a WI field trial, corn treated with Trivapro applied at VT/R1 showed 2.8% tar spot severity compared to untreated corn with 11.3% tar spot severity.
Trivapro is a restricted-use pesticide and requires a pesticide license to purchase and use. It may not be available for shipping. Call a Mill agronomist for pricing and availability. Trivapro is available in 2.5 gallon jugs or mixed in formulations for custom application.