Mammoth Melting Pea Vegetable Seed


Mammoth Melting Pea Vegetable Seed 

Experience the legendary sweet flavor of the Mammoth Melting Pea. This fast-growing, prolific snow pea produces 4 1/2" stringless pods that retain their sweet taste longer than most other pea varieties. A great addition to any garden, this pea thrives in cool weather and can be grown as a spring or fall crop. The Mammoth Melting pea can be enjoyed fresh or frozen for a later date, and is ready for harvest just 70 days after sowing the seeds. 

  • Matures in 70 days
  • Extremely sweet flavor
  • Highly prolific
  • Stringless pods
  • Trellis support is recommended
  • Spring or fall crop
  • Thrives in cool weather

SKU: 1229582 ISBN: 1229582