Espoma Holly Tone
Espoma Holly-tone Plant Food
Holly-Tone Plant Food is for acid-loving plants, such as hollies, azaleas, camellias, evergreens, hydrangeas, dogwoods, blueberries, strawberries and rhododendrons. It is rich in natural organics and enhanced with Bio-tone microbes. Used and recommended by Professionals. Holly-tone's all natural formula contains Bio-tone, our proprietary blend of beneficial microbes. Bio-tone biologically enhances our natural plant food to ensure superior plant growth.
Holly-tone 4-3-4
Holly-Tone Plant Food is for acid-loving plants, such as hollies, azaleas, camellias, evergreens, hydrangeas, dogwoods, blueberries, strawberries and rhododendrons. It is rich in natural organics and enhanced with Bio-tone microbes. Used and recommended by Professionals. Holly-tone's all natural formula contains Bio-tone, our proprietary blend of beneficial microbes. Bio-tone biologically enhances our natural plant food to ensure superior plant growth.
All natural plant food for acid loving plants.
For acid-loving plants, such as hollies, azaleas, camellias, evergreens, dogwoods and rhododendrons.
Mix organic, granular fertilizer with soil to encourage healthy growth of acid loving plants.
Enhanced with Bio-tone microbes.
Slow-release fertilizer for extended feeding.