The Mill 3-Way Tall Fescue Grass Seed
The Mill 3-Way Tall Fescue Grass Seed is a three way blend of premium tall fescue grass seeds. This blend is low-maintenance and is known for having an eye-catching, dark green color, finer blades than K-31 and the ability to handle poor soil conditions as well as having superior disease resistance and drought tolerance. Its bluegrass-like density helps it to look great year-round. If your lawn has full sun, this is the perfect grass seed mix for you. This grass seed blend has 98% purity with no added fillers. This three way tall fescue grass seed is built for the Mid-Atlantic climate and soil types making it the go to lawn seed for the Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia region.
- Professional grade Turf Type Tall Fescue for sun & partial shade
- Improved brown patch resistance
- Thrives in harsh summer conditions
- Premium drought, heat, insect and disease resistance
- Endures high traffic
- Produces dark and dense turf
- Accommodates a wide range of soil types
- Germinates in 7-21 days
The Mill recommends testing soil before applying grass seed or fertilizer. A soil test analyzes available nutrients. Having this information allows us to help you make the best decisions for your lawn, leading to a more beautiful and thicker lawn. The Mill offers soil testing.*
New Lawns: 10 lb per 1000 sq ft
Over-seeding: 5lb per 1000 sq ft
*When seeding or over-seeding, add Starter Fertilizer 18-24-12 to give your lawn an extra boost. Please note: Grass seed and a pre-emergent (like Prodiamine) cannot be spread at the same time.