Fecal Egg Counting
Empowering Equine Wellness Through Precision Parasite Control
We understand the importance of maintaining your horse's health and well-being. That's why we offer a comprehensive fecal egg counting service for our equine customers. This service allows us to assess your horse's parasite load and determine if deworming is necessary, as well as which dewormer would be most effective. While this is available year-round, we recommend testing in the spring and fall, as these are the times when parasite levels tend to be highest. By regularly monitoring and managing your horse's parasite levels, you can help ensure they stay healthy and happy for years to come.
Fecal Egg Counting Instructions:
- Contact the Mill location nearest you to arrange a time to drop off your horse’s fecal sample.
a. Bel Air: 410-838-6111
b. Black Horse: 410-692-2200
c. Hampstead: 410-374-6066
d. Hereford: 410-329-6558
e. Kingstown: 410-778-1551
f. Red Lion: 717-244-4511
g. Whiteford: 410-452-8177
- You can either fill out a form when you drop the sample off -OR- if you would like to have the form filled out ahead of time, click here to download.
- Sample needs to be less than 24 hours old when dropped off:
a. The fresher the sample, the better
b. Collect sample in a Ziplock bag
c. Label the bag with your name, the horse’s name, and the date and time of
c. Refrigerate sample if not immediately bringing to the store for drop off
- The Mill will call you with the results within a week of drop off.