Cutrine-Plus Liquid Pond Algae Control
Cutrine-Plus Algaecide/Herbicide is a liquid, chelated copper algaecide ideally suited for treatment of bottom growing algae and spot treatments along docks, beaches, boat launches and fishing areas. Controls growth before it reaches the surface .Ideal for use in lakes, reservoirs and potable water supplies and can be used immediately after application for swimming, livestock watering, irrigation or fishing.
- Controls a broad range of algae, specifically surface filamentous and planktonic algae including: Cyanobacteria, Green algae, Golden algae and diatoms, Filamentous Green Algae and Chara and Nitella as well as the rooted aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata.
- Do not use this product in waters with cyprinid and salmonid fish (koi, carp, goldfish, trout, etc.).
- Available in 1 gallon or 2.5 gallons.
SKU: 11101879
ISBN: 038005901015