Infuse Systemic Disease Control for Lawn & Landscape - Quart RTU
BONIDE Infuse prevents and stops major disease on listed roses, flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs.
It's powerful systemic protection won't wash off and lasts up to 1 month on certain diseases. Proven to encourage turf rooting.
- Systemic fungicide for turf
- Stops and prevents diseases on lawns, roses, ornamentals, trees and shrubs
- Absorbed into the plant, can't be washed off
- Stimulates growth of newly planted cool season lawns
- Protection that can't wash off
- Ready To Spray Quart, treats up 3,200 sq. ft.
Prevents and controls over 30 plant diseases, including tough to control soil borne pathogens of bulbs, annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants and ground covers, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Ready to Use quart liquid
SKU: BN150
ISBN: 037321001508