Bio Reverse Microbial for Crop Residue Breakdown 2.5 gal jug
Breakdown crop residue and buy one get one FREE now while supplies last!
Bio Reverse is a liquid formulation with a large number of microbe colonies that break down plant tissues, providing nutrients for the next crop. It lasts for 2 years and can be applied with multiple methods, including herbicides, fertilizers, and irrigation. Its strains can survive cold weather and become active again when temperatures rise, ensuring continuous breakdown of crop residues.
The 2.5 gal jug contains specially selected soil-borne microbes that can effectively break down cellulose and lignin in plant tissues. It has a long shelf-life of 2 years or more, meaning the microbes will stay viable for longer and be alive when applied. Using Bio Reverse after harvest breaks down crop residues and makes nutrients more available for the next season's crops. The microbes also improve seed-to-soil contact and consistency of seed depth when applied in the spring.
2.5 gal jug
Manufactured by The Andersons, Inc.