Using AgroLiquid’s High-Efficiency Fertilizers to Obtain High-Quality

Turf on Golf Courses, Home Lawns, and Athletic Fields.
Jay B. Eccleton, CGCS – Innovation Lead
As the turf industry professionals continue to search for the perfect combination of quality turf conditions coupled with economic return, AgroLiquid’s line of fertility products have become a viable option for many maintenance programs. The benefits of being able to apply more frequently and timely while allowing the least disruption to the customer is a strong attribute to liquid applications. AgroLiquid’s portfolio of products are designed to deliver nutrients to the plant using high efficiency technology that not only benefits uptake but allows the turfgrass manager the flexibility of compatibility and tank mixing opportunities.
AgroLiquid’s High NRG-N™ is an advanced formulation of 27% nitrogen, 1% sulfur, and trace amounts of known chlorophyll-building secondary and micronutrients. High NRG-N™ is stabilized with organic compounds to protect the nitrogen and reduce losses from leaching and volatility. Not all the nitrogen in High NRG-N™ is immediately available at application; it also provides a controlled release of plant-available nitrogen over an extended period. This is ideal for nutrient applications on highly playable turf where controlled growth is the priority.
Potassium is a key nutrient as it pertains to the health of the plant and its ability to withstand certain stress factors by enhancing root development and cell wall strength. Turf that is grown in a higher-than-normal sand content root zone will have a need for continued potassium applications to provide an overall success to the turf stand. AgroLiquid’s Kalibrate™ is a chloride- and hydroxide-free potassium solution that contains sulfur. Its unique formula provides increased plant utilization, allowing lower total product application volume to produce the same results as other conventional potassium fertility products when applied at typical rates. Having the ability to apply potassium at regular intervals provides a true benefit to the turf manager by maintaining a quality stand of turf during high stress periods.
Secondary and micronutrient nutrition of the turfgrass plant is beneficial and, in some situations, can be limited due to high sand content soil profiles. AgroLiquid’s line of Microlink products include all the trace elements that may be deficient to the turfgrass plant including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and boron. By utilizing good monitoring and regularly scheduled soil testing, deficiencies can be recognized and a good solid program can be developed to combat issues that may arise during the season.
When considering soil health, biologicals can be an added benefit to the soils ability to sustain viable growth. AgroLiquid’s PRIMAGRO™ Nitrogen and C-Tech products allow the turf manager an opportunity to realize the synergistic benefit of AgroLiquid nutrients, biologicals, clean water-soluble carbons, and biostimulants while providing them simply and economically.
Through Targeted Molecular Expression, AgroLiquid formulates specific microbes and BioActivitesTM into plant nutrients. This produces easy-to-use, precision solutions designed to supply season-long nutrition and optimize turf quality and high-quality conditions while creating a robust, biologically active soil.
Creating a complete fertility plan to provide season long nutrient availability on high quality turf is essential and contributes to the success of any turf situation. AgroLiquid’s commitment to proven agronomics makes those decisions easier. For further questions or comments feel free to contact Jay Eccleton, CGCS at or visit our website at
Products that are essential to maintaining quality playable turf in a highly managed system such as golf course, athletic fields and select home lawns.
High NRG-N (27-0-0-1)
- Slow-release nitrogen product with a small kick of sulfur. A great addition for lawns, golf course fairways, tees, greens and athletic fields. Depending on the turf surface i.e. (lawns, golf course greens, tees, fairways, athletic fields) the rate of Nitrogen needed will vary. Applying High NRG-N 2–5 gallons per acre every 14-28 days during the growing season will provide controlled release of nitrogen to your playable quality turf conditions.
NResponse (24-0-0-1)
- Quick-release nitrogen product with a small kick of sulfur. A great addition for lawns, golf course fairways, tees, greens, & athletic fields. Depending on the turf surface i.e. (lawns, golf course greens, tees, fairways, athletic fields) the rate of Nitrogen needed will vary. Applying NResponse 2-5 gallons per acre every 14--28 days during growing season will provide a quick green up to your playable quality turf conditions.
PRIMAGROTM N (30-0-0-1)
- A 30% nitrogen fertilizer containing sulfur. PRIMAGRO™ N is stabilized through our NutriQ Technology that protects the nitrogen while reducing losses from nitrate leaching and ammoniacal or urea volatility. PRIMAGRO™ N contains a proprietary formulation of nitrogen fixing bacteria and BioActivites™ that further enhances the sequestration of atmospheric nitrogen in the root zone. Applying PRIMAGROTM N 2-5 gallons per acre every 14-28 days during growing season will provide a quick green up to provide quality turf conditions while helping to stabilize the biological environment in the soil.
Kalibrate (2-0-10-6)
- This is a great source of potassium with sulfur. Potassium is a key nutrient for root growth wear ability of the turf. Depending on the turf surface, the rate of potassium recommended would vary. Applying Kalibrate 3-5 gallons per acre every 14-28 days throughout season will provide continuous root development especially when the roots need the nutrients the most.
Sure-K (2-1-6)
- This is a great source of potassium with a hint of phosphorus. Potassium is a key nutrient for root growth wear ability of the turf. Depending on the turf surface, the rate of potassium recommended would vary. Applying Sure-K 3-5 gallons per acre every 14-28 days throughout season will provide continuous root development especially when the roots need the nutrients the most.
Kapitalize (3-1-8)
- Kapitalize is designed to be foliar applied. The addition of calcium to promote cell wall strength and sulfur in the potassium foliar fertilizer makes more nutrients available to the turf plant. Potassium is a key nutrient for root growth wear ability of the turf. Depending on the turf surface, the rate of potassium recommended would vary. Applying Kapitalize 3-5 gallons per acre every 14-28 days throughout season will provide continuous root development especially when the roots need the nutrients the most.
Pro-Germinator (9-24-3)
- Used as a starter fertilizer, this is a great source of phosphorus. Great for establishment of all grass including but not limited tolawns, golf course, fairways, tees, greens, athletic fields. Ideal for areas of high traffic were establishment is crucial to the playability of the turf. Apply Pro-Germinator at a rate of 3 gallons per acre during seeding and establishment every 7-14 days to assist seed germination and establishment.
- LiberateCa™is a premium calcium fertilizer intended to provide superior compatibility and flexibility for mixing and application. Grasses that battle high salinity issues will tend to have low soluble calcium levels. Apply LiberateCa at a rate of 1-2 pints per acre during the growing season every 14-28 days to promote plant cell wall strength and alleviate problems associated to root stress in less than favorable conditions.
Microlink Iron
- Iron is an important component of plant enzymes and proteins involved in respiration, nitrogen metabolism, and chlorophyll synthesis. In individual turfgrass plants iron deficiencies appear as chlorosis (yellowing) of the youngest (upper) leaves. Turf deficiency symptoms show up as yellow mottling, rather than the uniform yellowing observed in nitrogen-deficient turf. Apply Microlink Iron at a rate of 1-2 quarts per acre every 14-28 days during the growing season to provide continues plant color.
Microlink Manganese:
- Manganese plays a direct role in photosynthesis by aiding in chlorophyll development. Manganese accelerates germination and maturity by increasing the availability of phosphorus and calcium. Apply Microlink Manganese at a rate of 1-2 pints per acre every 7-14 days during establishment to provide support to the turf plant as it germinates and matures.
Microlink Magnesium
- Magnesium is the central element in chlorophyll development and activates many enzymes and enzymatic processes. Apply Microlink Magnesium at a rate of 1-2 pints per acre when needed to address deficiencies in the turf plant.
Micro 500
- Synergyof Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Boron, and Copper that compensates for most micronutrient deficiencies allowing the plant to perform at its maximum potential and utilization of all available nutrients. Apply Micro 500 at a rate of 1-2 quarts per acre every 14-28 days throughout season to provide a stable environment for the turf plant.
Micro 600
- Micro 600 is formulated with essential nutrient combinations that address chlorosis within a variety of plants. The combination of a specially formulated Iron (chelated for Higher pH soils) along with Manganese, Zinc, Sulfur and trace amounts of Copper and Boron give Micro 600 the ability to reduce the negative effects of Apply Micro 600 at a rate of 1-2 quarts per acre every 14-28 days throughout the season to provide a stable environment for the turf plant.
- Contains organic matter, live strains of beneficial bacteria, and soil-activated chelates that help better hold nutrients in poor soil types, release nutrients within soil solution, promote biological activity and help increase overall plant health. CTECH may be used as an additive to other fertilizer products*, or as a standalone application. Apply 1-2 quarts per acre every 14-28 days throughout the season to address and help balance the soil biological activity to assist in root development and overall plant health. *Always test compatibility when using CTECH with any non-AgroLiquid product.